
HAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE–YA Tennis players get to grunt when they hit the ball, martial arts legends have their exclamations, and when dancing you get to say WA-PA-TA-YAAA (as if the music didn’t provide enough emphasis). It’s only fair that us frittata slicers get something too. FRITTATA YAAAAAAAAAA   Hello my loves! It’s been some time, hasn’t it?…

Slide over them Sliders

Few things in this world can compare to the humble, but oh-so lovely slice of bread. Sandwiches, toast, sliders, and bread… It’s BREAD for goodness sake. Don’t tell me you don’t love it because we both know deep inside that’s just. Not. True. But of course. If something’s that convenient and tasty, by the laws…

Lazy Girl Brownies

You know when people say they have a sweet tooth? Well let me introduce you to the girl that has a saber-sweet tooth. Oh wait, that’s me. No shame. No. Shame. No shame in eating sugar out of the bag with a spoon. Eating half a jar of honey at once. Legitimately eating 20 cookies…

DIY: Beating Starbucks

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Well actually it’s not a little secret. It’s the biggest thing that keeps me loving the fit foodie life. As teens, how can we resist those hot, foamy, creamy Starbucks drinks? Well actually I’m a loyal Peet’s fan, but we can pretend they’re the same for…

Cauli Crusts

Pizza. Aha, is there really ever a better intro hook? Come on, it’s pizza, right? Ok, I’ll be perfectly honest with you, this isn’t exactly pizza… But before you throw a sledgehammer at me, hear me out. It’s crispy, crunchy, warm, and carb-y. Yes carb-y. I love me some crusty carb-y creations. Let’s add on cauliflower…

Bring the Green

“Wow. This is so good!” “I know! It sorta tastes like ice-cream!” “And half of it is spinach!” “Definitely! Huh… wait what?” Yep. Another classic story of fooling your friends. Tip: Don’t tell them what they’re eating is chock full of spinach until after they’ve tried it. You’ll get some wide-eyed faces looking back at…


Have any of you noticed how “chocolate chips” look nothing like chocolate chips. They’re more like swirly chocolate drops. Disappointment. But wouldn’t that be cool? To have a chip… made out of chocolate? That you could scoop other awesome stuff into? Of course it’d be cool. It’s like a choco-chip.  Oh wait but now you must…

Eggstraordinary Pun Game Weak

After you finish rolling your eyes, redirect them to this glory: Runny yolk. RUNNY YOLK. Oh my lord I’m crying. Goals. Major goals. Well guess what? Goals finally achieved. See as much as my pun game is weak, my poaching egg game is even weaker…yes, yes shame on me as a foodie. But guess what?…

We Be Jamming

I’ve always had a thing for jam. Tangy. Sweet. Fruity. Jam-y… Resistance is futile. How could you not mix in that bright berry goodness into yogurt, a parfait, or eat a whole jar in one sitting. Oops. That escalated quickly. What can I say? I was jamming out to some awesome music, had a big spoon in…

Fit Foodie-ing the French

Butter makes the world go round in French cuisine, and let’s admit it… It’s not much different elsewhere. Toasts, steaks, baking…. But alas, why does it seem every time my heart sings from butter my thighs flatten out to the size of Antarctica? Now I remember why! So I have a larger base to cry…

Layers! Like cake… but better

Welcome to the ultimate guide on life. Ok, welcome to the ultimate guide to breakfast… same thing. You start with the stuff that’s good for you… and then basically pile on the stuff that is just. plain. good until you can’t see anything past fruit, nuts, coconut, and chocolate. Did I say chocolate? I said chocolate….

Grocery Adventures

Some people play video games. Others read, or write, or draw. I shop. Clothing, shoes, jewelry… Well ok those too, but my real skills shine through hardcore grocery shopping. Don’t laugh. This is no game for the squeamish. On my latest expedition I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across a new find for you guys!…