Cauli Crusts

Pizza. Aha, is there really ever a better intro hook? Come on, it’s pizza, right? Ok, I’ll be perfectly honest with you, this isn’t exactly pizza… But before you throw a sledgehammer at me, hear me out. It’s crispy, crunchy, warm, and carb-y. Yes carb-y. I love me some crusty carb-y creations. Let’s add on cauliflower…

Bring the Green

“Wow. This is so good!” “I know! It sorta tastes like ice-cream!” “And half of it is spinach!” “Definitely! Huh… wait what?” Yep. Another classic story of fooling your friends. Tip: Don’t tell them what they’re eating is chock full of spinach until after they’ve tried it. You’ll get some wide-eyed faces looking back at…